Xen Wellness: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit Pt. 1
July 5, 2024

Xen Wellness: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit Pt. 1

As a creative producer, my journey took me into the realm of Xen Wellness, an oasis of evidence based wellness run by the passionate duo, Jason Echols and Alissa Hart. Throughout the series, I witnessed firsthand the profound impact of their commitment to nurturing the body, mind, and spirit, leaving a lasting impression on both myself and the City Guide Video Series team.

At Xen Wellness, the belief that an active body is a happy body was at the core of their ethos. From personal training to diverse fitness and wellness experiences, Jason and Alissa created a haven where each session held the possibility of transformation. Their dedication to providing world-class trainers, including Olympian and 10-time National Judo Champion Nina Cutro-Kelly and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt Jason Conine, exemplified their commitment to excellence in every aspect of their offerings.

One of the most impactful moments during our time at Xen Wellness was experiencing the joys of contrast therapy. The team had the privilege of participating in an ice bath, which served as a renewing and eye-opening experience. This encounter with the power of mental strength underscored the holistic approach that Xen Wellness took in nurturing both physical and mental health. It was a lesson that wellness goes beyond just physical fitness; it begins with a healthy and happy mind.

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