The Epilogue: Summer 2024
August 17, 2024

The Epilogue: Summer 2024

Connections are everything. Whether they are personal or professional, every person you come into contact with has the opportunity to change your life and elevate your path. The Down Market has been the ultimate hub for connections.

People like Mitch Hagney, Chastity Morales, and Eddie Romero are the prime examples of life-changing people. Each person had something to say, something that would resonate and stay with us forever. Mitch talked about the meaning of purpose and how important it is to understand yours. Chastity told us that we did not have to have it all figured out right away, our time will come. Eddie explained the importance of watching out for others. 

Each person we spoke with provided invaluable advice that we will take with us as we move on through our next ventures, and each person reminded us to be kind to ourselves. In the midst of a digital age, it is so easy to get caught up in negativity and the thief that is comparison, but we are all on our own, journey creating our own story which does not look like anyone else’s. 

As we continue creating our stories, we will keep making connections and watch the story get more colorful with each person we meet. 

People also make experiences, and boy we had a lot of amazing experiences this summer. From exploring 5 star restaurants that we could only dream about being in to getting exclusive access to some of San Antonio’s finest gems like the Majestic Theatre, we were able to see the city from a brand new lens.

Through these experiences, we were able to learn new skills and polish old ones. After this summer, the “skills” section on our resumes have grown drastically. Each of us have a touch of graphic design, content creation, project management, and communication skills to bring to the table.

While we will look back at this summer with fondness, the fun is not over yet. This fall, we will be coming back better than ever with a fire so hot it is going to catch all over the city. The Down Market is not done with us yet, and we are so thankful for it. While the skills and experiences are great, it all comes back to the people and we are so ready to make more connections come September. 


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